Daily Bread W/ Pastor Marcus | 7 Hills Church

Illustrated Message

October 6
September 29

Come in, O blessed of the Lord! Why do you stand outside? For I have prepared the house and a place for the camels.

~ Genesis 24:31

In the verse above, Laban asks Abraham’s servant, “Why do you stand outside?” The servant had already received an invitation from Rebekah to come inside and enjoy the blessings waiting for him.

How many of us today are standing outside of God’s blessing, outside of God’s will, and outside of God’s destiny for our lives? The invitation has gone out. We’ve been invited inside to receive all that we need and more! The Bible says you can boldly come to the throne of grace for whatever you need.

In Luke 4, Jesus was inside the house, but some were standing on the outside. They tore the roof off to get inside. Talk about push-through prayer! We stand outside because we spend all our time looking at the limitations. But if you’ll take the ceiling off, take the lid off, take the limitations off and push through with prayer, Jesus can and will be there for you!

Whatever you’re up against today, you need to push through with prayer.

If you’re in a financial dilemma, push through in prayer.

If you have hit the wall spiritually, push through in prayer.

Everything begins to turn around when you push through in prayer with your job, your marriage, or with your children.

If you can push through with prayer, you can push through in every area of your life.

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watch the full message “Haunted House”
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