
Giving Guide

Published on
October 2, 2024

Giving in God's House: A Biblical Approach to Financial Stewardship

Managing finances can be a sensitive topic, especially within the context of church life. However, the Bible provides us with clear guidance on financial stewardship, particularly through the principle of tithing. With over 2,350 verses on finances, it’s clear that God wants His people to be intentional about their money, and tithing is one of the ways we can demonstrate our trust in Him.

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What is Tithing?

Tithing is the practice of giving 10% of your income as an offering to the Lord. This principle is rooted in the belief that when we give God the first portion, He blesses the remainder. It’s an act of faith and trust in God's provision, a way of saying, "God, I trust You to be my business partner." As we see in Malachi 3:10, God challenges us to trust Him with our finances: "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse... Test me in this, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it."

The History of Tithing

Tithing dates back to the Old Testament and was first formalized during the time of Moses. The Levites, who were devoted to full-time ministry, were supported by the tithes of the people. Tithing was a way to ensure that worship continued and that the poor were cared for. This practice allowed God’s people to honor Him with their wealth, ensure the ministry could continue, and provide for those in need.

Is Tithing a New Testament Principle?

Many wonder if tithing is still relevant under the New Testament. In Matthew 23:23, Jesus affirms tithing while rebuking the Pharisees for their hypocrisy. He says, “You should practice the former [tithing] without neglecting the latter [justice].” This shows that tithing was never meant to be abandoned but practiced in conjunction with love and justice. Early church fathers, like Irenaeus, echoed this, teaching that tithing was the starting point for generosity, with the goal being to give all we can to further God's kingdom.

Tithing Today

Tithing today is about making God a priority in every area of our lives, including our finances. It’s not just about giving 10%, but about asking ourselves, "Is God first in my finances?" Some may be called to give more than 10%, as God calls us to trust Him in all circumstances.

For those just starting out, the Bible encourages gradual growth in giving. If you're not able to give 10% right away, begin where you can and trust God to increase your capacity as you remain faithful. The key is to start somewhere, knowing that God blesses generosity and faithful stewardship.

Why Tithe?

Tithing has three main purposes:

1. Honor God: Tithing acknowledges God as the source of all blessings and keeps our hearts focused on Him.

2. Support Ministry: Tithing allows churches and ministries to function, helping spread the gospel and care for those in need.

3. Help the Poor: As seen in the Old Testament, tithes were also used to care for the less fortunate, ensuring that no one was left behind.

Giving Beyond the Tithe

Tithing is just the beginning. Offerings, which go beyond the 10%, allow us to support specific causes, people in need, and ministries that God places on our hearts. When we give generously, we reflect God's heart and demonstrate our trust in His provision.

The Challenge

For some, tithing may seem daunting, especially in tough financial times. However, God promises to bless those who put Him first. As Proverbs 3:9-10 says, "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing." It's not about the amount we give but the heart behind it. When we trust God with our finances, He blesses us in ways that go beyond our understanding.

Take the 12-Week Tithe Challenge

If you're ready to take the next step in trusting God with your finances, we invite you to participate in the 12-Week Tithe Challenge. Commit to tithing the first 10% of your income to 7 Hills Church for 12 weeks and see how God works in your life. 

Learn More and Sign Up for the Tithe Challenge


God’s principles of financial stewardship are timeless, and tithing is one of the ways we can honor Him with our wealth. By putting God first, we demonstrate our trust in His provision and participate in His work here on earth. Let’s continue to trust God with everything we have, knowing that He is faithful to His promises.